It can be hard to follow up a killer single with an album - expectations are usually very high, and if the album doesn't contain more stuff like said killer single, it will likely disappoint. Lykke Li was always going to have a tough task following up the brilliant Little Bit, and I'm not sure she's been talking to the right people about it either. According to the press release, her mentor is Bjorn 'Peter, Bjorn and John' Yttling, who has also produced her debut album Youth Novels. Although I'm not going to fault his production skills, is he really the best person to be advising on the whole following-up-the-big-tune issue? After all, Yttling's Young Folks, deservedly acclaimed and loved everywhere hardly led to an amazing album in the shape of (the appropriately titled?) Writers' Block, did it?
And there's a very similar picture emerging with Youth Novels. There's Little Bit, and previous single I'm Good, I'm Gone which is er, good. I'm also very fond of the lovely sunny vibe and surfing harmonies on My Love, but a lot of the rest of the album is, well, just alright. It's not a bad album by a long way (otherwise I wouldn't be writing about it here), but most of it just glides effortlessly by without really engaging. It's probably perfect for a balmy summer's evening outdoors, Lykke Li's cooing vocal soothing away in the background as you relax with your drink of choice. But it doesn't quite stand up to more rigorous scrutiny. However, it's still summer, so enjoy it while you can.
mp3: Lykke Li - My Love
mp3: Lykke Li - Little Bit (Loving Hand Remix)
Buy Youth Novels from Rough Trade. You can download the Little Bit single from emusic.
Spot on, mate. I agree with everything in this review and couldn't have put it better myself.
Not just to be contrary but I love 'Youth Novels', and find a lot of quality in depth to it. But then for me 'I'm Good I'm Gone' and 'Breaking It Up' outshine 'Little Bit' so guess I'm coming from a completely different direction on this one.
She´s far better live than the album would have you believe. Much more energy and star quality...
I can imagine that actually. I've seen that thing with the megaphone. Maybe sometime...
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